
Transportation & Logistics

The transport and logistics industry is extremely diverse. The global economic environment for 2019 faced headwinds due to trade wars, higher oil import costs, and interest rate hikes. The growth of the global economy in 2020 will be subdued, as trade tensions remain elevated, with emerging markets experiencing substantial financial market pressures. The global trade slowdown, further fueled with capacity and cost pressure and regulatory compliance, concerns logistics industry participants. This lack of optimism has led established T&L companies to scout around for fresh revenue streams that are at times only tangential to their core business. 

Featured Transportation & Logistics Insights


Automation in Logistics

Automation in logistics refers to the use of control systems, machinery or software to limit human intervention
therefore to improve the efficiency of operations in a distribution center. As e-commerce volumes soar, many logistics and parcel…


Cold Chain Technology Revolution

China had the fastest growth in space cooling energy consumption worldwide in the last two decades, driven by increasing income and growing demand for thermal comfort. This report explores the principal trends and challenges related to …


Airline Industry Transformation

The aviation industry has been on the front line of digital transformation. The industry is structurally difficult. Unit revenues have gradually declined over the past 20 years as a result of intensifying competition and commoditization…


Container Shipping Outlook

Political crosscurrents in the form of trade disputes resulting in new tariffs. TRADE wars are set to dominate container line conversations in the year ahead as the sector faces the twin challenges of slowing demand growth and rising costs…


UAVs Urban Delivery

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), commonly known as drones, are a hot topic of debate. Coronavirus is sending in the drones. In what’s being billed as a “world first,” startup Manna Aero has begun a drone delivery service in Moneygall, Ireland. Delivering…


Ultra High Speed Freight Transportation

Hyperloop, initiated by Elon Musk, theoretically sealed vacuum tube transportation systems in which pods may travel at a ultra high speed by eliminating air friction and resistance, reducing travel times over long distance. The Hyperloop system built by…

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