In-Country Representation

Most regulatory agencies around the globe require representation within the country or region for foreign device and pharmaceutical manufacturers. Through our subsidiary offices and extensive industry network we are able to provide in-country representation in most major markets.

Your representative acts as your liaison to regulatory authorities and assists with device registrations and vigilance/adverse event reporting. It’s important to choose a representative who is familiar with the regulatory requirements for your product to act in the best interest of your company.



In many markets, your technical documentation, labeling, manuals, and other information must include your in-country representative’s name and address. In others, your representative is named on your registration certificate, giving them full control of your device registration in that market.

VTG provides a state-of-the art, multicultural, multilingual and collegiate work environment for your in country representative to do her/his work.  The centers are supported by an administration and marketing team, and include shared reception areas and conference rooms for meetings and presentations. 


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